EDM World Music Awards Association 

Vote / Categories

You can cast your vote for your favorite DJ, Producer, song, and EMD artist, below. 
Best song or track.
Top DJ.
Top Male DJ.
Top Female DJ.
Best Producers.
Best EDM artist.
Best up, and coming DJ. 
Best House Track.
Best up, and coming DJ.
Best House, or Dance Music Radio station.
Best Remix.
Best Music Video.
Unity Award.
Best Mix.
Best EDM Event.
Best House Event.
Best Female Vocalist.
Best Male vocalist.
Best Group.
Best EDM Web Radio.
Best House Music Web Radio
Recommendations For Life Time Achievement.
Voter Information

Here you can vote for your favorite, DJ, Producer, Song , and , EDM artist. just fill in the contact information below.Then enter your choices and the category, Submit.

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